Tag: Ubisoft - Page 14

  • First Impressions Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes

    Might and magic and myths and... Meteos?!

    The DS has loads of good puzzle games - Picross, Tetris, Meteos - and some fantastic strategy titles too - Fire Emblem and Advance Wars chief among them. But it could certainly do with more great puzzle strategy games; titles that blend the addictive action of matching coloured objects with the cerebral...

  • First Impressions C.O.P. The Recruit

    Take the beat to the streets

    C.O.P. The Recruit was announced back at E3 in June, and quickly marked itself out as one to watch by promising an open world experience unlike anything on DS. Now we've had chance to grab a few minutes with the title, does it live up to the hype or is it lagging behind Chinatown Wars? The first thing you'll notice on...

  • First Impressions Rabbids Go Home

    Put this in your trolley!

    There's only one possible conclusion to be drawn from Rabbids Go Home - it's mental. Anyone involved in its development should probably be sectioned under the Mental Health Act, such is the scale of the crazy acts featured in this first traditional adventure game for the Rabbids. Of course, if you've been following our...

  • News Red Steel 2 Devs "Have Beaten Waggle"

    Still have room for breakfast

    We're getting excited about Red Steel 2 here at Nintendo Life - in fact, we have been ever since our hands-on back in April! Whether it's the super-cool Japan-come-Wild West setting, the tasty graphics or the MotionPlus controls, there's no doubt it's one of the big titles we're dying to play next year. Sadly, all this...

  • News New Red Steel 2 Trailer

    Introducing Payne, your new best friend

    Red Steel 2 is looking more and more exciting with every piece of new media. You'll be pleased to hear then that this latest piece doesn't disappoint. The trailer showcases the first boss of the game, and who doesn't like bosses? [Depends if you're talking about the day job! - Editor] If you remember during...

  • News Assassin's Creed 2 Rated for DS

    ESRB let slip a sequel to Altair's Chronicles

    Although 2008's Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles for DS may not have been one of the machine's most memorable titles, that hasn't deterred Ubisoft from putting together a sequel for the little handheld. The ESRB have just posted a rating for Assassin's Creed II: Discovery, and although the listing...

  • News Ninjas Spring Into Red Steel 2

    Trains explode too, all in new gameplay video

    No Wild West meets feudal Japan first-person shooting game would be complete without some deadly ninjas appearing, would it? That's obviously the thinking of those clever guys at Ubisoft, who recently revealed some brand new screenshots of their upcoming MotionPlus-demanding title Red Steel 2 showing off...

  • News Red Steel 2 Delayed Until 2010

    Ubisoft's sword-swinging sequel bumped into next year.

    Well Red Steel fans will be getting a lump of coal in their stockings this Christmas with word from Ubisoft that their upcoming Wii sequel Red Steel 2 will now be delayed into 2010. Red Steel 2 was originally going to be released sometime this holiday season, but according to Ubisoft CEO Yves...

  • News More Red Steel 2 Information Emerges From the Mirage

    Our own Objection_Blaster! gets a question answered!

    Recently we invited you guys to submit your questions to Ubisoft's Red Steel 2 development team, and we've just received word that the first round of developer answers has gone live on the official Red Steel 2 forums! One of the questions that caught the community team's eye was from our very own...

  • News New Nintendo Channel Videos

    Nintendo adds two new videos to their Nintendo Channel.

    The nice folks at Nintendo were kind enough to send over two brand new videos of upcoming releases. These videos were just added to the Nintendo Channel as well, and more are on the way. The first video is of Ubisoft's Red Steel 2 with charismatic Creative Director Jason Vandenberghe on hand to...

  • Interviews Red Steel 2's Roman Campos Oriola

    Plus your chance to pitch your questions to the developers!

    Before I got the MotionPlus add-on in my sweaty hands, we had an in-depth presentation from the game's development team outlining the game's story to us. The original Red Steel revolved around an American entering the seedy underbelly of the Japanese mob world, but the second title tells a...

  • Interviews Red Steel 2's Jason VandenBerghe

    In the great man's words, "f***ing A!"

    After my extremely enjoyable but all-too short time spent playing the game I was bursting with questions, and luckily I got to sit down with just the man to answer them - Red Steel 2's Creative Director, Jason VandenBerghe. Nintendo Life: It seems almost compulsory for every Wii game these days to include...

  • News Exclusive Red Steel 2 footage

    Get your eyes on the real-time opening for Ubi's new title.

    If you've read our exclusive hands-on preview of Red Steel 2, you'll know I came away very impressed by the game's cel-shaded graphics. Nothing beats the ability to watch them in action yourself though, and earlier today Ubisoft revealed the game's opening scene to the public. Until the...

  • News East Meets West In Red Steel 2

    Details on the newly emerged action title begin to spill...

    Although Wii launch title Red Steel received a mixed response from the critics, its sequel is deep in the works and presents more than a little promise. The motion sensitive Wii Remote seems an uncanny representative for both shooting and sword fighting games, and Red Steel 2 promises to...

  • News Nintendo Power Reveals New Red Steel 2 Artwork

    Game to showcase a Wild West theme?

    US magazine Nintendo Power has published some new imagery from Ubisoft's upcoming Red Steel 2. The new artwork appears to show some kind of katana-welding cowboy. The images shown so far are merely snippets from the final print magazine, and we'll have to wait until the physical issue hits the news stands before...

  • News Ubisoft announces first DSi-enhanced game

    My Cooking Coach to harness the immense power of the DSi for... not much, really.

    Ubisoft today announced the launch of cooking aid My Cooking Coach, designed to support the new functionality of the Nintendo DSi. You can watch the (DSi-less) trailer below the fold. The "DSi-enhanced" title, set for release in June and playable on both the...

  • News Ubisoft Brings Protothea to WiiWare

    In a completely random announcement today, Ubisoft has revealed they are bringing the 2005 PC game Protöthea to WiiWare. The game is a shooter, but doesn't really stand out too much.

    The WiiWare release will include extra features and things to do, and apparently will be released on WiiWare's launch day for 1000 Wii Points. Ubisoft's James Regan...