E3 News

Tuesday11th Jun 2013

Sunday9th Jun 2013

  • Rumour Best Buy's Wii U E3 Demo List Revealed

    Dare we say it's slightly disappointing?

    We know that through two days, one during E3 and one shortly after, over 100 Best Buy stores throughout North America will host demo units of major upcoming Wii U games, with the goal of giving shoppers the booth experience wherever they are. It's a solid initiative, and a picture has emerged — via...

  • News Ubisoft Posts Beyond Good & Evil Image On Its Facebook Page Days Before E3

    Very inconspicuous...

    Earlier this year Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot confirmed Beyond Good & Evil 2 is in the works - he just didn't reveal much in terms of progress or when it'd be released. One thing he did say though was that once Ubisoft had something to say about the game, it'd be sure to let us know. Well, E3 is a couple of days away now...

Saturday8th Jun 2013

  • News Activision Bringing Skylanders Swap Force And Call of Duty: Ghosts To E3

    "This is obviously a big year"

    There has been a lot of confusion surrounding Call of Duty: Ghosts, the latest in Activision's long-running franchise. Nobody seems to definitively know if it's coming to Wii U or not. When it was announced in early May, the publisher did not mention Nintendo's home console, however, since then several media outlets...

  • News SEGA Reveals Its E3 Lineup

    Sonic Lost World takes centre stage

    SEGA has announced which games it'll be bringing along to E3 next week and every single one of them will be playable. That includes the 3DS and Wii U exclusive Sonic Lost World, which is due to be released later this year. A hefty amount of footage for the game was released earlier and we're already looking...

  • News Capcom Announces E3 Live-streaming Schedule

    Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies Q&A will be broadcast

    E3 is just around the corner now and a mixed array of developers and publishers are all preparing for what promises to be a massive three days of gaming action. There are quite a few keen publishers that have decided to broadcast some footage from the show floor - for example, Square Enix will be...

Friday7th Jun 2013

Tuesday4th Jun 2013

Saturday1st Jun 2013

  • News Hideki Kamiya Teases Bayonetta 2 for E3 Nintendo Direct

    Update: Or not, Kamiya can be a tease

    Since this article was posted, we'd been contacted (and read in the comments) to suggest that Hideki Kamiya may have been teasing with his declaration that Bayonetta 2 would feature in the E3 Nintendo Direct. He since posted the following tongue-cheek tweet. [tweet He's since been replying to various tweets...

  • News Get Excited, Nintendo's E3 Site Is Out In The Wild

    Hype begins in 3.. 2.. 1..

    It is now the 1st of June depending on where you are in the world. You know what that means folks, E3 is creeping upon us so fast that Sonic himself is finding it hard to keep up. As you all know, Nintendo will be hosting a Nintendo Direct broadcast on 11th June at 3pm UK time / 4pm European Central time / 10am Eastern /...

Wednesday29th May 2013

  • News Ubisoft Reveals E3 Lineup

    Will feature some "new brands and titles"

    E3 is tantalisingly close now and Ubisoft has decided to announce which games it will be bringing along to the expo. There are no shocks and as expected Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag, Rayman Legends, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Watch_Dogs and South Park: The Stick of Truth wil

  • News Nintendo Confirms E3 Best Buy Demo Locations

    89 in the U.S. and 21 in Canada

    Not too long ago we reported that Best Buy will be showcasing demos of Nintendo's E3 games, essentially bringing the booth to the masses. With big Wii U titles such as Mario Kart and the new Super Mario 3D expected to be playable, it could be an enticing opportunity for gamers in North America. Nintendo has now...

Saturday25th May 2013

  • News Aksys Games To Reveal Two New Titles At E3

    Both games will be available in North America at least

    Aksys Games will be revealing two unannounced titles at this year's E3 alongside PlayStation Vita title Muramasa Rebirth and Xbox Live Arcade game A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda EX. Both new titles will be playable, but fear-not, there will also be trailers shown off during the event as well for...

  • News Square Enix Will Be Livestreaming From The E3 Showfloor

    Full schedule of titles to be announced soon

    Square Enix has announced it will be livestreaming from the show floor throughout the entire three-days of E3. The livestream, which will be aired on YouTube, is called Square Enix Presents and has been set up to bring its designated E3 booth to the poor souls who unfortunately cannot attend. Square...

Thursday23rd May 2013

  • News Nintendo Hosting a Pokémon X & Y Developer Roundtable At E3

    Expect lots of new information

    Earlier today, Nintendo announced that a new Nintendo Direct broadcast will take place on 11th June, before the E3 Expo opens; the broadcast will focus on future Wii U releases. That isn't all that Nintendo has to offer, as it will also be holding a one-and-a-half-hour developer roundtable / Q&A on upcoming 3DS...

  • News E3 Nintendo Direct Date and Time Confirmed

    Wii U hype mode... ENGAGE!

    After promises and statements about a Wii U-centric Nintendo Direct around the time of E3, the big N has now confirmed that a global broadcast will take place just before the expo opens. Both Nintendo of America and Nintendo of Europe have stated that the subject matter will be future Wii U releases; this backs up a...

Friday17th May 2013

Thursday25th Apr 2013

  • Talking Point Nintendo's Changing the Media Game at E3

    Abandoning the big presentation

    So here's how the E3 game is supposed to be played by the three major game manufacturers. They appear at E3, talk up how exciting it's going to be, and then hold a high-profile press conference that's viewed by thousands of gamers before being mercilessly dissected. At that point senior figures conduct interviews to...

Thursday11th Apr 2013

  • News Zelda Symphony Returning To Los Angeles During E3 2013

    Da da da daaaaaaaaa

    It's been almost two years since something beautiful and magical happened during Nintendo's E3 press conference in June 2011 - the company opened the presentation with a spectacular orchestra, displaying tunes from The Legend of Zelda's impressive musical catalogue. The Legend Of Zelda: Symphony Of The Goddesses - under Irish...

  • News Ubisoft's E3 2013 Conference Dated

    Mark 10th June on your calendars

    E3 2013 is almost upon us. With a little over two months to go, you can almost smell the excitement in the air amongst gamers, developers and publishers alike. To kick off the major gaming event, Ubisoft will be holding its presentation on Monday 10th June - which is actually a day before E3 is scheduled to begin...

Wednesday23rd Jan 2013

Monday30th Jul 2012

  • News E3 Confirmed for Los Angeles Until 2015

    E3 2013 scheduled for 11-13 June

    After E3 2012, rumours began to circulate that the gaming event of the year would change venue and relocate to Las Vegas. For those unaware, a big part of the L.A. Convention Centre will be involved in a major building project as it's constructed into the new Farmer's Field stadium. Some wondered whether the...

Monday28th May 2012

  • Feature The Best Moments of E3 2011

    It was a very good year

    We're seven days away from E3 2012. That's seven days until we see Nintendo's full vision for Wii U, the next round of 3DS games and how our next year of Nintendo gaming is going to look. It's the most exciting time of the year, and it's nearly upon us. Last year was pretty exciting too. We saw Wii U for the first time, got...

Friday25th May 2012

  • Feature Our Favourite E3 Memories - Part One

    Back in the old days

    We're getting closer to E3 2012, with this year's Nintendo press conference arguably one of the most anticipated in recent times as we'll learn more about Wii U and what it can do. We shouldn't forget 3DS, of course, as we'll hope for release dates for anticipated titles and perhaps learn of some new surprises as well...

Thursday9th Jun 2011

  • E3 2011 Corbie on the Show Floor - Day 3

    The end of the road

    We've had a stellar three days at E3 this year with revelation after revelation, but today it all comes to an end. The fun isn't over yet though: Corbie Dillard, our man who can, is still taking in as many games as possible from booths including THQ, Natsume, Tecmo Koei and more. Corbie's opinions will automatically appear below...

Wednesday8th Jun 2011

  • E3 2011 Corbie on the Show Floor - Day 2

    Drop it like it's hot

    After the excitement of the first day of E3 there's still plenty to see and do in Los Angeles. Today Corbie will be pounding the floors of the Convention Centre to visit booths from Namco Bandai, NIS America, Warner Bros., Nintendo and more. Keep this page open and Corbie will keep updating it with fresh information and...

Tuesday7th Jun 2011

  • E3 2011 Corbie on the Show Floor - Day 1

    Drop it like it's hot

    So you've heard all the announcements from Nintendo's news conference, but now you're waiting to hear exactly how these games look and play in the flesh. Our man Corbie Dillard is live in Los Angeles and will be updating this page frequently with his thoughts on Nintendo's new console, the games available to play and the whole...

Monday6th Jun 2011

  • Talking Point What's in a Console Colour?

    Hardware colour is crucial in getting your message across. What will Café don?

    In today’s gadget-obsessed world, design is key. How a new piece of tech looks and feels communicates wonders about what type of product it is and the experiences it hopes to bring to the table. Form is important, but colour makes the most immediate impression:...

Tuesday10th May 2011

  • News Nintendo Confirms Live Stream of E3 2011 Show

    Start bookmarking now

    Yesterday we brought you Nintendo's E3 2011 conference details, but the real question on everyone's lips — other than "why are British and American Smarties so different? — was "will Nintendo be streaming the event live?" Well the good news is that you'll be able to get that new console smell beamed right to...

Saturday7th May 2011

  • News Super Mario 3D to Use 3DS Gyro Sensor

    No second analogue stick, no problem

    While we currently don't have a lot of concrete information on Nintendo's upcoming Super Mario 3D, we are beginning to see bits and pieces of info trickling out as we near this year's E3 show in Los Angeles. In a recent interview with The Telegraph, Miyamoto explained how the game's camera system would be...

Monday25th Apr 2011

  • News Nintendo Confirms New Console

    Releases next year and playable at E3

    Nintendo Japan has indeed confirmed the existence of its new game console, set for release in 2012 according to a new press release from Nintendo. Sadly, we still don't have any official images of the console or its controller. Nintendo has also stated that the system will be playable at this year's E3 show in...

Thursday21st Apr 2011

  • Rumour Nintendo Stream Coming Sooner Than We Think

    Rumoured name and release details revealed

    According to a report today on IGN, Nintendo is considering Stream as one of the names for their upcoming game console. An IGN source also claims that the console might possibly see a release as soon as late October 2011, although it would seem more likely for Nintendo to wait until early 2012 in an effort...

Thursday6th May 2010

  • News E3 Promises Over 30 Nintendo Titles

    Surprises not included

    The run-up to E3 is almost as exciting as the event itself, with half the fun in predicting exactly what Nintendo will show. Not every company is as secretive however, as a recently published list reveals the show will play host to at least fifteen DS games and twenty titles for Wii. That may not seem like a huge amount, but...

Tuesday12th May 2009

  • News Capcom: 'Keep Hope Alive' for Tatsunoko

    Second tease in a week hopefully means something's a-brewin'

    The saga in localizing the Wii-exclusive fighter Tatsunoko vs. Capcom continues! Over at the Capcom Unity blog, a new post urges fans to "keep hope alive" for the fighter, and includes a video from Chicago's "Frosty Faustings" tournament using the Japanese version and...

Tuesday14th Apr 2009

  • News Reggie: We’ll Be Better at E3 This Year

    Nintendo hoping to make amends for 2008's dire performance

    E3 2008 wasn’t a particularly good one for Nintendo. Sure, the company was riding high in the sales charts but the limp presentation (which was essentially geared towards the casual gamer) did little to appease dedicated fans – and after all, they would have been the ones watching. You...

Wednesday8th Apr 2009

  • News Dunaway: No E3 Snowboarding This Time

    NOA exec says it will be ‘all about the games’

    Last year’s Nintendo E3 press conference was mildly painful to experience. Cammie Dunaway, NOA’s executive VP of sales and marketing, made a somewhat misguided attempt to ‘sell’ the Balance Board, and ended up looking a bit silly. Dunaway is back for this year’s event, but you’ll be glad...

Thursday17th Jul 2008

  • E3 2008 More Mega Man 9 Hands-On Impressions

    We posted some hands-on thoughts about the Mega Man 9 E3 demo from GoNintendo and Wii Fanboy yesterday so we could find out if it lived up to the expectations.

    Of course the E3 bandwagon keeps rolling and now the big boys have got their hands-on previews up for us to see if Mega Man 9 is looking like the game we all want it to be. Let’s have a...

Wednesday16th Jul 2008

  • E3 2008 Mega Man 9 First Impressions

    Sadly the Corbmiester wasn't able to make it to E3 this year on our behalf. However all is not lost because GoNintendo and Wii Fanboy did make it to E3 and have posted their thoughts on Mega Man 9 before the big boys like IGN give us their verdict soon no doubt.

    Let’s check out what they had to say: GoNintendo I am was very pleased to see that...

  • E3 2008 Miyamoto Discusses Limited Storage Space On Wii

    We haven’t exactly been bombarded with WiiWare news at E3 2008 yet. Well in fact, no news to speak of yet! So you can forgive us for raising the sticky wicket of the lack of a storage solution on the Wii yet again.

    Hopefully there will be a breakthrough on the horizon soon. IGN caught up with Miyamoto about this ever increasing problem and...