
Topic: In Japan with my 3DS

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Ok I am travelling through the great country of Japan.
Of course I bought my 3DS with me for any street passes.
Been in Tokyo for 3 days.......
Only TWO HITS???
One was from a Japanese, but the other was a MEXICAN??
I even went to Nintendo Tokyo Store, NOTHING
I just need 11 more puzzle pieces to complete it but they can only be collected through streetpass
People have given up on it and I am sad
Even on this forum Streetpass isnt even a selectable related game
Very Sad times
Sorry rant over, wife doesn't understand this pain so had to do it somewhere


Switch Friend Code: SW-5538-4050-1819 | 3DS Friend Code: 1633-4650-1215 | My Nintendo: Bunkerneath | Nintendo Network ID: Bunkerneat | Twitter:


Jeez, you're optimistic for a 3DS fanboy in 2023.

I took mine to two separate comic conventions in 2018 (in Australia) and I got sweet bugger-all. Just a tiny handful of hits (and the Switch was still in its relative infancy). I haven't taken my 3DS out in public since.

The best days for StreetPassing were when I was in film school in 2012-2013 (near Sydney CBD) as there were plenty of gaming students on campus as well, and I often struggled to keep up as I regular reached my 10 StreetPass cap. I also remember trading with someone on a train ride who kindly helped me evolve my Seadra in Pokémon X. Good times.

Edited on by SillyG

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


I take my 3ds everywhere and still get no hits. Then again, I rarely ever leave my city, so that could be why. One time I thought I had a perfect plan, I was taking it to the mall. Then when I got there I remembered it was a Monday and this mall was dying whether it was Monday or not.

Y'all, let's go play Legally Distinct Pocket Creatures!
President of the Chit-Chat thread, as Eagly has unfortunately deleted his account :(

3DS Friend Code: 2252-0354-0887

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