
Topic: Kid Icarus: Uprising

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"Your wings will burn up and you will fall"

Thank you, kind goddess

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Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky | Nintendo Network ID: LzWinky


supernin10do wrote:

I've been watching this over and over again. "Sorry to keep you waiting." -20 years was already enough, but now it's whole year after you returned and you're STILL not released!

I'm sure you also believed none of the early announced Wii games would be delayed too.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


kkslider5552000 wrote:

supernin10do wrote:

I've been watching this over and over again. "Sorry to keep you waiting." -20 years was already enough, but now it's whole year after you returned and you're STILL not released!

I'm sure you also believed none of the early announced Wii games would be delayed too.

I understand that games are often delayed; it does not surprise me that a large game such as this one has been delayed. I'm only making fun of the way the trailer brings back the game saying, "sorry to keep you waiting," yet leaving us waiting, again.

3DS friend code: 1160-9727-7802
Wii U ID: ianmage1
I'm working on an animated feature film called "WhiteLand." Check out my progress:


It is because of the E3 2010 Kid Icarus Uprising trailer that I have the Nintendo 3DS. I'm disappointed that we know little to nothing about a Kid Icarus release for this year. I suppose it'll be released somewhere around October and November. However, it's not all bad, I can almost hear Reggie Fils Aime saying 'Paper Mario 3DS is set for a July 2011 release' and we already have The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time cresting the horizon and so I'm not overly distraught over Kid Icarus getting lost in the mix.

Who is blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger that I sent? who is blind as he that is perfect, and blind as the LORD's servant? Isaiah 42:19

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3DS FC: 2234-7146-6576


rob1nfly wrote:


What a beautiful post.

Umfor Natugeris:
Topu a ximmuma of 030 rachacrets


NintyFan wrote:

TokyoRed wrote:

It is because of the E3 2010 Kid Icarus Uprising trailer that I have the Nintendo 3DS. I'm disappointed that we know little to nothing about a Kid Icarus release for this year. I suppose it'll be released somewhere around October and November. However, it's not all bad, I can almost hear Reggie Fils Aime saying 'Paper Mario 3DS is set for a July 2011 release' and we already have The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time cresting the horizon and so I'm not overly distraught over Kid Icarus getting lost in the mix.

Don't worry, I'm sure that Kid Icarus: Uprising will get a spot of attention during the E3 conference, at least with the annoucement of a firm release date. As I've said in the talking point about how 3DS can thrive at E3, we've only seen the tip of the iceberg of all Kid Icarus: Uprising has to offer. We only know about the game from a few brief trailers after all. Since it was the first game announced for the system, I would find it hard to believe that Nintendo would just forget about it in favor of, say, Super Mario 3D even though that will be a big reveal. We will learn more about it.

It's also a bit suspicious that Kid Icarus did not appear in the latest 3DS software lineup video. Isn't it?

3DS friend code: 1160-9727-7802
Wii U ID: ianmage1
I'm working on an animated feature film called "WhiteLand." Check out my progress:


Keep in mind the games in that video were giving set release dates. Kid Icarus should be out by the end of this year. I'm predicting August or September.



komicturtle92 wrote:

Keep in mind the games in that video were giving set release dates. Kid Icarus should be out by the end of this year. I'm predicting August or September.

Wouldn't it be nice if was either a Halloween 2011 or Thanksgiving 2011 release title? I also think that Animal Crossing should be a Thanksgiving title as I like to associate Animal Crossing with the Autumn season.

Who is blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger that I sent? who is blind as he that is perfect, and blind as the LORD's servant? Isaiah 42:19

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3DS FC: 2234-7146-6576


turtlelink wrote:

This game is the main reason why I want a 3DS.

Me too. Waited for a new Kid Icarus for so long!

Let's attack aggressively, kupo! :D

3DS Friend Code: 5241-1915-3356 | Nintendo Network ID: EvilRegal


NintyFan wrote:

TokyoRed wrote:

komicturtle92 wrote:

Keep in mind the games in that video were giving set release dates. Kid Icarus should be out by the end of this year. I'm predicting August or September.

Wouldn't it be nice if was either a Halloween 2011 or Thanksgiving 2011 release title? I also think that Animal Crossing should be a Thanksgiving title as I like to associate Animal Crossing with the Autumn season.

Not at all. That's like saying Kid Icarus: Uprising should release on Valentine's Day since it has an angel in it. I hope for August at least, unless Nintendo and Project Sora can miraculousy release it in mid to late July.

The middle of summer would be the best time.

3DS friend code: 1160-9727-7802
Wii U ID: ianmage1
I'm working on an animated feature film called "WhiteLand." Check out my progress:


The trailer was AMAZINGLY FANTASTIC!! I was screaming like a girl!!!! The multiplayer looks so fun! I can't believe they even added it. Plus there are so many AR cards! and they're animated! I want them all. The graphics look nice. The multiplayer looks fantastic. The AR seems fun, and I'm about to watch the trailer in 3D right now! This is all so awesome. I'm so excited for this game! MUST. HAVE. IT. NOW!


Anyone know if the multiplayer is online?



pixelman wrote:

Anyone know if the multiplayer is online?

They haven't said yet but i imagine it should be.


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3DS Friend Code: 3093-7342-3454 | Nintendo Network ID: shingi70


I heard some complaining about the voice acting. Honestly, I kinda like it. Not the best certainly and Pit could easily become annoying but considering most of Nintendo's other attempts to have voice acting in their games, a huge improvement.

Edited on by kkslider5552000

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


Voice acting: YIKES.
Ground-based gameplay: yikes.
Flight-based gameplay: YES.
Graphics: YES!
6-player multiplayer: YES!!

3DS Friend Code: 2277-7231-5687
Now Playing: Animal Crossing: New Leaf


Kid_A wrote:

Voice acting: YIKES.
Ground-based gameplay: yikes.
Flight-based gameplay: YES.
Graphics: YES!
6-player multiplayer: YES!!

Coming this year:


Edited on by LzWinky

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky | Nintendo Network ID: LzWinky


NintyFan wrote:

Here's the trailer for anyone wanting to see it here. It should be on the eShop in 3D too.

Dude, this YouTube vid's gotnuttin on the eShop/3DS DL even though they're basically the same, but all after DLing and seeing on the 3DS, all I can say is OMG! I think the effects from the aiming cursor actually imrpessed me(Although I think it's still taking me some time to figure out what if I can actually see or understand it correctly.), as much as when you see Pit flying around; You'd swear it's like he's separated from the environment free to roam anywhere onscreen and viewed from any angle. Almost makes ya kinda wanna look around/in front of him kinda, different angles even though since it's a trailer ya can't. Kinda makes me wish therea way to view the original trailer like this from the 3DS.

Edited on by DaveGX

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