
Topic: Wii U / 3DS eShop Exclusive Titles

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Although I never found anyone playing it online fantasy pirates is good It has online play and only cost 5 euro .



JaxonH wrote:

So, I did the math, and it would cost me $603 + tax to buy out the entire Virtual Console (all the remaining games I have yet to purchase). Most of them are games that don't interest me much, but I'm wondering if it's worth it just for posterity of having a complete VC playable on the TV or gamepad for handheld play.

DS Games are probably better played on 3DS, but there's only a few I don't own yet, and only 2 Wii games I dont own. I own all GBA and N64. It's the NES and SNES where I'm missing dozens.

That's a lot of money. I wish they'd put them all on sale one last time to squeeze out as many sales as possible. But they likely won't.

Do you have the storage space for all of those games?

Retro gaming is too damn expensive.


Apologies for the late update to some of your replies. I have added a few games to the list suggested by Tyranexx, Vivianeat and Ninfan.

The VC game list is interesting but i think I need to take a better look at it when I have more time and add it into its own section. Likewise the the Sega/Nintendo 3D Classics line as they are all technically ports and available elsewhere but I will admit that the 3D effect is novel and makes a lot of them worth owning (I own them all!!)

As for Yo-kai Watch 2 (third version), Blasters and 3. I am not sure how rare they are. I think 3 definitely is, Psychic Specters is fairly rare and Blasters seems to be available easily, in the UK at least.

See ya!


I was just having a look through Download Exclusives on 3DS and see something called Metroid Prime Blast Ball that is a free download. What is this? Is it a mode that's included in it's entirety in Federation Force? I'm wondering if it's worth adding to the list.

I also see the multiplayer component of a Mario Party game up there. I guess it's like download play except you download it from the eshop instead of another DS

See ya!


@ralphdibny Yeah, Blast Ball is also included in Federation Force, which I haven't played yet but I assume it includes everything from the download version. Though as it's free you might as well download it if you have space.

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


@Dogorilla done, picked up some of the other free downloads too.

I am thinking my shopping list may be do-able for £150 (two of the £75 eshop top ups). I do have to be picky but there's only a few games I am really interested in buying that I don't own already (mainly Nintendo published ones). I'll probably foolishly end up spending more money in the Virtual Console 🤦‍♂️

Just gota build up a couple weeks pay so I have some disposable income to blow

Edited on by ralphdibny

See ya!


I think my total spending will probably be around that amount too. For now I'm prioritising games that wouldn't easily work without dual screens or other 3DS/Wii U features, as those are unlikely to be released on anything else. I'm sure I'll end up getting some games that don't fit that criteria but for most 'traditional' games that I'm not desperate to play I think I'll just hold out hope for a Switch port, otherwise I'd be spending far too much money on these eShops.

In case you're not aware, Nintendo Life has an online shop where you can buy eShop credit for 10% off with the code NLIFE10. That's probably the best way to buy it that I know of.

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


@Dogorilla cheers, yep that's the plan! Hopefully the code is still active once I've built up enough funds to take the plunge.

I have a fairly similar criteria really in addition to the Nintendo exclusives. I am also quite keen on picking up as many DS VC games on Wii U as possible as it seems like the best way to play those games on a big TV.

Luckily I've picked up most, if not all of the 3D Classics in the past. I'm possibly interested in other games that have a notable 3D effect which isn't available on other consoles. I've seen a 3D remaster of Dementium on there. Not sure whether to take the plunge on the somewhat expensive Ace Attorney games too or just waiting and playing the HD versions at some point in my life.

I may end up rushing to buy some physical releases too. Ones that may go up in price once the store closes. Got a few on my list, can't be more than ten games though

Edited on by ralphdibny

See ya!


@ralphdibny I'm probably going to avoid buying too many VC games, especially DS games as I can get those physically in the future. I'm considering getting Kirby Mass Attack and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time on Wii U though because physical copies of those are getting a bit pricey now. And I already have Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon on Wii U but that one is particularly expensive on DS now so definitely buy it if you're interested in the series.

I'd probably pass on Ace Attorney for now if I were you, the original trilogy is on Switch already and I think there's a good chance of the later games being ported too. Though if you do want to get them on 3DS, Capcom had a 3DS eShop sale in America recently so wait and see if they do the same in Europe. Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice are the ones that were made specifically for 3DS so they look impressive in 3D. I can't use the 3D on downloaded games any more sadly because my main system is a New 2DS XL these days (I was partway through playing Spirit of Justice when I upgraded).

And that's probably a good idea to buy the physical games you want. I've already bought physical copies of Xenoblade Chronicles X and Dragon Quest VIII since the eShop closure was announced. A few 3DS and Wii U games are rising to crazy prices on the secondhand market already so I'm a bit nervous about how expensive they're going to be once the eShop dies 😓

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


@Dogorilla cheers, I will pass on Ace Attorney then. Fire Emblem is a series I'm interested in getting into but there is just so many games in the series that I wouldn't know where to start and I definitely wouldn't have time for them all. I think I have one or two off the Wii U eshop already from last time I did a shopping spree so hopefully I have the (somewhat) exclusives already 🤞. Might be a series that's better to just play the odd game in when it comes out on a new system for me, something like Three Houses. I've only ever played that Fire Emblem Heroes in the series but I have played a few other Tactics style games that I've enjoyed like Project X Zone and Gears Tactics.

I am eyeing Xenoblade X too 😅. Haven't played the first one even though I have it on New 3DS but if I do ever play the series then I want to make sure I secure it's Wii U entry in time!

I did a very similar thing re: digital and physical when the PS3 store was closing down. I bought tons of games digital even if they were only a bit more expensive as physical copies but I also went to a few different CEXs and cleared em out of the games that were much cheaper on disc

Edited on by ralphdibny

See ya!


@ralphdibny I've played a few Fire Emblem games and they're great, though I would say Shadow Dragon is the weakest one I've played. It's definitely still worth playing but if you don't already have it and you don't necessarily want to play the entire series you could probably give it a miss. The GBA games are my favourites so far and those are on Wii U for about £6 each.

The 3DS Fire Emblem games are a major gap in my 3DS collection and now would be the best time to get them as they all have a lot of DLC (including an entire campaign as DLC in the case of FE Fates). The thing is I don't know how much of the DLC is actually worth getting and I don't want to panic-buy all three games and all their DLC right now, so I think I'll just cut my losses and either buy them physically at some point in the future (if they're still affordable) and not bother with the DLC, or wait and see if they get complete editions on Switch one day.

As a Nintendo gamer primarily, I'm a little jealous of how cheap a lot of older Playstation games are nowadays. Obviously there are some expensive ones and some cheap Nintendo games but on the whole you can get a lot of great PS2 and PS3 games for a pittance at CEX and the like, while Nintendo games get more expensive all the time. I do play on my brother's PS3 a bit so I should probably pick up some more games for that before its online store eventually shuts down, but I'll wait until after the Wii U and 3DS panic is over 😅

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


@ralphdibny, @Dogorilla All the 3DS Fire Emblem entries range from somewhat decent to amazing in my book. I've played all four (Birthright and Conquest from FE: Fates are different enough to qualify as two separate games; there's a third path called Revelation that I haven't played since it's DLC-only), but if you have to pick between the bunch I wholeheartedly recommend Awakening and FE Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. The former is what got me into the series and is pretty beginner-friendly, plus there's an eShop demo. Echoes is an odd one compared to many other games in the series, but not to its detriment IMO. For example, you can actually explore dungeons in it, and magic is handled differently. The story is decent and fully voice acted. The visuals in all 3DS FE games are superb, especially if you value the 3D effect.

On the Fire Emblem Fates entries:

  • Birthright is the more beginner-friendly of the two since, like Awakening, you can endlessly grind your units against baddies. The plot is somewhat decent, if predictable. Conversely, many of the maps are meh at best and many of the characters available on this side are ho-hum.
  • Conquest is closer to classic FE games where the difficulty is harder and (outside of DLC) the experience you can gain is limited. This one has more fun/innovative maps and objectives and has some pretty fun units. The plot, however, could make much more logical sense.
  • The Revelation route, outside of a rare cartridge that contains all three paths, is DLC-only and is why I haven't played it. This attempts to marry the two "main" routes mentioned above and claims to push the true plot, which is hinted at in the other two stories; how well this is pulled off depends on who you ask online lol. The feedback I've seen regarding the maps is all over the place.

I'm generally not one who buys DLC for games unless I consider it really worth my while. Though I'll take free content.

Edited on by Tyranexx

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx Thanks for the advice! I take it you didn't buy any of the DLC then, and they all still feel complete without it? As I said, I'll probably pass on the DLC and just pick up the games physically in the future if I can (I'm a bit worried about the prices going up after the eShop shuts down but I don't want to go crazy buying too many games just within this one year).

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


@Dogorilla Most of the DLC isn't necessary IMO. Some would recommend Revelation just so you have all three routes; heck, I skipped over it originally, and now I'm even on the fence about it lol. Needless to say I believe Three Houses handles the branching story thing much better...from what I've read. Haven't played that one yet. I'm a bit behind on FE games and only just played Echoes last year. There's also a bit of Fates DLC some would say is nice to have - I've spoiled this for myself, but won't here - but only if you've played Awakening and are aware of how all the Fates routes play out. I wouldn't say it's essential and to my knowledge is the only tenuous link the Fates triad has to any of the other games.

As for Echoes, it takes place in the same universe as Shadow Dragon, but it isn't essential to play the latter. I do recommend playing Awakening first if you do pick it up.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx I'll think about getting Revelation while it's still available then. Kind of annoying that you have to buy DLC to get the true story in that case; I'm glad all the routes for Three Houses are in the base game. I'd like to think that once the DLC is inaccessible there's a decent chance the 3DS FE games might get a port or remake one day with all the DLC included (after all, Miitopia of all things got a port), which makes me a little hesitant to buy the games now, but those hypothetical ports probably won't happen for a long time if at all.

Awakening is probably the one I would play first as it's the earliest 3DS game, and I usually play game series in roughly chronological order. I have played Three Houses because it was given to me as a birthday present, and it's a great game but I found the character progression stuff a bit confusing and overwhelming compared to the relative simplicity of the older FE games I'd played before. (I'm certainly glad to have it though because physical copies seem to have got quite expensive already. It must be out of print I suppose.)

I've played Shadow Dragon too so it's nice to hear that Echoes takes place in the same universe, although I hadn't actually realised FE games didn't all take place in the same universe! Does that mean Marth in Awakening (I've heard he's in it) is a different Marth from the Marth in Shadow Dragon?

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


If you're a Fire Emblem fan I'd recommend buying Revelation DLC, just for the sake of having the complete game. Birthright and Conquest are both worth owning as well, and if you own one, I believe you can get the other for half price (I think).

I think so. I have a 500gb HDD connected and at least half of it is free, even owning the majority of VC games and even after buying digital copies of all the retail games I suspect won't get a Switch port and don't have a sequel that makes them obsolete:

  • NintendoLand
  • MH3U
  • Xenoblade X
  • Paper Mario Color Splash
  • Kirby Rainbow Curse
  • Yoshi's Wooly World
  • Star Fox Zero
  • Star Fox Guard
  • Game & Wario
  • Devil's Third

...with the two Zelda remasters on hold until its clear if they're coming to Switch.

I can't imagine the remaining 75 games or so would take up that much space, especially being older VC titles.

Edited on by JaxonH

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH is that so on fates? I have conquest untouched but if birthright is half off, I'll grab that too.

I also have echos but no dlc, same with awakening.



@Dogorilla Yep, buying the other paths highlights how lukewarm the reception to Fates's structure was several years ago. The good news is the other "main" path is available as discounted "DLC" if you have a retail (In this case, I mean a full physical or digital version) copy of at least one of the games. You're basically paying $80 (Or the GBP equivalent in your case) for all three routes. Thankfully, Nintendo/IS learned their lesson and didn't pull the same move with Three Houses. I could see the 3DS games becoming port candidates down the line, but I don't think we'll see them anytime soon.

I won't spoil why, but it's good that you're planning to start with Awakening. Again, it isn't essential overall, but series chronology does play a part. Some of the game are directly related, such as Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn*, its direct sequel. Others are standalone, such as Three Houses and Sacred Stones on the GBA. Yet others occur in the same world/universe, such as Awakening/Echoes/Shadow Dragon.

I'm only listing releases outside of Japan (with one exception), but the following worlds contain those games:

  • Archanea: Shadow Dragon (remake of the first Famicom title)/Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (remake of Gaiden)/Awakening
  • Elibe: Binding Blade (Japan only, but I believe there's a translation patch floating around)/Fire Emblem [The Blazing Blade] (A prequel some 20-odd years before the former)
  • Tellius: Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
  • Magvel: Sacred Stones (Standalone for now)
  • Fódlan: Three Houses (Also standalone)

I very nearly linked this information instead, but said link risked spoilers.

Dogorilla wrote:

Does that mean Marth in Awakening (I've heard he's in it) is a different Marth from the Marth in Shadow Dragon?

I can't answer this honestly without spoiling a twist in Awakening, so all I can do is recommend playing it.

@NintendoByNature Buying the other "main" route off the eShop can get weird. Make sure you look for the version of Birthright that's $20, not $40. The latter nets you the full game download, whereas the former should use some of the assets from your base copy of Conquest.

I purchased Conquest at retail and originally was going to pick up Birthright digital, but I lucked out and found a physical copy on clearance from Walmart a few years ago. $19 was too foolish to pass up lol.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx hmm interesting. I may have to @ you when the time comes to grab it, so I know I'm getting the right thing.



@NintendoByNature I'll be happy to try to help when the time comes! The Fates games by far have the weirdest DLC setup.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31

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