
Topic: 2DS XL YouTube crashing

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My sons YouTube keeps crashing out on his 2DS XL
Any ideas on what could be wrong?
He's only 7 and uses it to get hints on how to complete the next move in the game he is playing and vlogs from his favourite games

I really don't want to have to send it back for repairs right at the start of 2 weeks half term!



It does that with my 3ds as well. The youtube app on the 3ds/2ds is just poorly made and always crashes. It has nothing to do with his particular DS.


My Nintendo: Charlie | Nintendo Network ID: bhuxen


Thank you for your reply Charlieisanoob, we recently got him a Switch for his birthday (he's been saving his pocket money) so I could send the DS off for repair or just leave it as he can watch YouTube on the Switch now



For the record, this is a 3DS question, not a DS question. It's in the wrong category.
And anyway, it sounds like the YouTube app just doesn't work very well, and there's nothing actually wrong with the system. So I don't think you could send it in for repairs anyway


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