
Topic: can't remember the name of this game, please help!

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back in 2012, i had this game on my DS and i used to play it with my mom and my dad all the time.
it's a "game" with lots of games inside, it was mostly a game to be played with friends or family, like table games, or by yourself vs the cpu. i can't remember all of the games inside, but mostly tabletop games like paper and pencil guessing games like hangman, or the one that i played the most with my parents, the dots and boxes game where you connect it, etc. the point of this game was that you should play it with someone else, using two stylus, but i had vs cpu mode too. you could also choose the difficult of the cpu, i think it was something like "amateur", "professional", etc.

the whole visual aesthetic of the game was kind like a messy desk, with a coffee cup, papers, pencils, dices, paper boat, etc. i used to love the realistic aesthetics of this game, and it makes me really nostalgic thinking about it because i never found something like that again.

does anybody know the name of a game that looks something like that?



@sunny63 thank you for replying!

i just watched videos about these games and it's none of them i'm actually so frustrated, lol. i have no idea what the name could be, the game could even be in another language




Is it classic word games?

“I paused my game to be here” -SmashBall35

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I kind of wondered how a card/paper games collection gets rated 12+ in Europe.
I see "Simulated gambling" on GameFAQs.
Yep, that'll do it for PEGI and the Australian rating system.



@KingMike : It wasn't that way in the past. The fact that the successor on Switch got an Australian M rating (equivalent of PEGI 12+ or ESRB's T rating) is absolutely ridiculous. It absolutely stinks of the Board copying whatever they're doing overseas rather than acting in accordance with local standards.

Meanwhile, games with luck-based transactions involved real-world currency? Can be rated as low as G! (when such content should be brandished with an 18+ rating by default)

Edited on by SillyG

Porygon did nothing wrong.

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