
Topic: Pokemon - Working out evolutions

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Hello all,
I have recently gone back to black version 2 and it has really surprised me how interesting the ways to evolve certain Pokemon are. I am never one to use guides however for some reason since Red I have just always used one for that and I'm a bit sad I did as working some of these out would be so rewarding! I know in Black v2 the professor can also give you hints but that (I think) is a first.
So I wanted to ask, has anyone ever done a Pokemon game, maybe even started at red/blue, and not used a guide?! If so how much does the game hint and how easy is it to work out some of these?

thanks all!

Edited on by mrjelly



I try not to use guides when playing a new Pokemon game but I do sometimes look up the more unusual evolution methods. I remember in Sun I had a Crabrawler on my team and had no idea what it evolved into or how to do it, but luckily I happened to level it up in the ice caves near the end of the game, which turned out to be the only way of evolving it, so that was a nice surprise.

I applaud anyone who managed to work out how to evolve Galarian Yamask in Sword/Shield without looking it up lol. I think there should be a few in-game hints for stuff like that.

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


@Dogorilla To late for me like every what to do after you beat sword is [SPOILER] Yamask [SPOILER] so ya don't look at those videos unless you want to know.

Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outside…you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!

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