
Topic: Nintendo Store UK stole my money

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axemc wrote:

I pre-ordered Bayonetta 3 Trinity Masquerade Edition from Nintendo Store UK. Royal Mail said they delivered it, when they didn't. I rang Nintendo Store UK and they investigated the matter - the item was returned to them (confirmed by their staff). However, it's been well over a month and they haven't refunded my money.
Whenever I ring them, they say sorry and they'll flag the issue as important, but all I get is an email saying they're investigating and that I should wait - what is there to investigate if the item is returned and in their hands?

It's been so long now and whenever I ring them, the same thing happens over and over like Groundhog Day. I'm really frustrated and have pumped so much money into the company for decades.

This is the worst customer service ever and my customer loyalty obviously means nothing to them.

I don't know what to do.

A couple of years ago I ordered some nice splatfest t-shirts from the UK store. I then immediately found out there was some additional free gift add-on available as part of the deal that I hadn't known about when I ordered. So I sent them an email requesting to cancel my order and submitted a new order with the add-on gift included.

Lo and behold, I hear nothing from them and get two sets of t-shirts delivered, charged for both orders in full.

I send another email to complain.

I can't remember how long it was, but a significant amount of time (i.e. months) later, I get an email apologising for the delay and a refund issued for one of the orders. Free t-shirts for me!

So be patient, and try to resist condemning them too much. They haven't stolen your money, they just haven't sorted it out yet cos they're low on staff and very busy. Stealing is having the dishonest intention to permanently deprive you of your property.

Edited on by gcunit

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


I'm being naive here - but can Ninty block your account for a reason such as this? I can't see how that would work. The Ombudsman would nix it straight away (I reckon)



Rambler wrote:

I'm being naive here - but can Ninty block your account for a reason such as this? I can't see how that would work. The Ombudsman would nix it straight away (I reckon)

Block your account? I don’t think so. Blacklist you, maybe? If the chargeback is ruled in the favour of the customer and they blacklist you anyway, while they would potentially have grounds to be able to do so, if you raised a complaint, like you say, if it ended up with the Ombudsman I can’t imagine them siding with Nintendo on this.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


I did a REVOO (review) after my controllers went missing on the customer service and I was scathing but because I said I would use the website again (as its the only place you can get some pre-order bonuses) it changed it to Overall Satisfied.
You should read some of them reviews on there, as a lot of people say customer service is awful, but for some reason it puts it as Overall Satisfied, there is even one that said they had cancelled their order as found it on a different site which was better and that says Overall Satisfied
Its just a farce


Switch Friend Code: SW-5538-4050-1819 | 3DS Friend Code: 1633-4650-1215 | My Nintendo: Bunkerneath | Nintendo Network ID: Bunkerneat | Twitter:


@Rambler @Pizzamorg I think as two separate entities, both the eshop and the MyNintendo store can blacklist anyone. I don't believe any private business in the UK is obliged to serve a customer if they choose not to for any reason. Which sucks when so many businesses insist on "retailer exclusives". I don't think blacklisting is mega common though and there are ways to get around it such as ordering to a different address with a different card etc.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that chargebacks on eshop purchases will result in a ban. Where it gets murky for me is that the My Nintendo account links the eshop account and the physical store account so I am not sure if a ban on one will result in a ban on the other. I suspect not though because the physical store is so poorly run that I would be surprised if they were able to set up a cross ban system.

@Bunkerneath that revoo thing is another really sketchy thing about the UK store. The average they use is weighted in the retailers favour and there is anecdotal evidence that suggests poor user reviews of companies are moderated or disallowed which really undermines the point of websites like Revoo. Just using a website like that and displaying their rating so proudly goes to show how sketchy the UK store is in my opinion.

While the equivalent trust pilot page appears muddied by confusion of whether it refers to Nintendo as a whole or the UK store itself, it actually appears to show a more realistic rating of the company. Which last time I checked, was a very low one.

See ya!


@EllaTheKawaiiNeko they need to be taken to court for the amount of customers they’ve upset.



@axemc You have no idea how many store franchises I could legally sue.

Y'all, let's go play Legally Distinct Pocket Creatures!
President of the Chit-Chat thread, as Eagly has unfortunately deleted his account :(

3DS Friend Code: 2252-0354-0887


@axemc No, not even for not giving me products and stuff, I mean full on federal law breaking and descrimination.

Y'all, let's go play Legally Distinct Pocket Creatures!
President of the Chit-Chat thread, as Eagly has unfortunately deleted his account :(

3DS Friend Code: 2252-0354-0887


ralphdibny wrote:

I don't believe any private business in the UK is obliged to serve a customer if they choose not to for any reason.

A business cannot refuse to serve someone based on protected characteristics.

But yeah, if they think that person is being a nuisance, they could. In this scenario, Nintendo would be on shaky ground for doing that.



@Rambler ah yeah, I forgot about that. Pontins got in trouble a little while back for having a secret blacklist of Irish sounding surnames!

See ya!


I'm in the process of raising a dispute with my bank. I think Nintendo Store UK have blocked my phone number when I ring them. They obviously denied doing so, but I rang them with number withheld and it went though perfectly first time. I haven't been rude and have been totally civil with them.

You can always sense when they're telling you regurgitated crap and the same thing is going to happen again like being stuck in a time loop. I have a feeling that they have a note on the system about me and it's not good.


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