
Topic: Charging with Apple?

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I finally got a Nintendo switch and will most likely be traveling with it to and from school. I have a charger for my 2018 MacBook Pro that uses USB-C to USB-C. Am I able to use this to charge the switch or is there a risk of it burning out? I seem to read different things on if the USB will automatically throttle back or not.

Day Job:
Private violin/viola teacher
Freelance musician for weddings & other events


After reading your post again it sounds like your talking about a Power Bank. A wide verity of Power Banks seem to work with Switch's. But i still only 100% trust the officially licensed Anker Power Banks. Many people have used non licensed Power Banks for their Switch for 2+ years now with no problems so i trust them 99% of the time. But i would defiantly do a little more home work to see if people have used the exact power bank you own on a Switch. You might want to post your make and model of the power bank here.

Edit: And a power bank/charger like the Anker one's that will let you charge wile you play are a God send. And no most power banks won't do this.

Edited on by CurryPowderKeg79


Switch Friend Code: SW-3830-1045-2921


You can use almost any charger to charge the system. But not all of them are good to play while plugged in.

I'd recommend to limit it to charging only.


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


I use my MacBook charger all the time. I don't often play while charging though.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2231-9448-5129


I've used a bunch of chargers no problems. I've used one of those white usb bricks that come with iPhones, but it charged really slowly.

Nintendo really should fix this mess. Why use USB-C if it doesn't follow the standard?

Sakurai: Which is why I think we should forget about console wars and focus on what’s really important: enjoying the games themselves.

"If we did this (mobile games), Nintendo would cease to be Nintendo." - Iwata


@Trajan $20 says Nintendo fixes it by moving to a proprietary connector of the next revision.

This is Nintendo we're talking about.



@NEStalgia we joke now...

Sakurai: Which is why I think we should forget about console wars and focus on what’s really important: enjoying the games themselves.

"If we did this (mobile games), Nintendo would cease to be Nintendo." - Iwata


@Lone_Beagle 3.1 is a disastrous joke. Any numbered standard that needs "first generation" and "second generation" where "first generation" is just calling the previous numbered standard by the new number with an asterisk is a horrid disaster.

Rumor has it they basically compromised the standards to appease Apple who was already committed to 3.0 at the time, wanted the marketing leverage of the improved interface of 3.1, weilded way too much market power and influence over standards, and the standard was finalized way too late. So the compromise they came up with was just calling 3.0 3.1, and then coming out with the real 3.1 that should have been called 3.2. At this point if it doesn't say "Thunderbolt 3.0" I just assume it's USB 3.0 in a 3.1 package.



@NEStalgia so basically as a normal consumer you're just better off not knowing all this and have a good feeling about the product you're using 😛


Switch Friend Code: SW-2231-9448-5129


@toiletduck More or less Though they made it as confusing as possible. Every company sells "USB 3.1" computers.....or hard drives, etc. And then they show the advertised speeds. Some put "gen 1" in the fine print. Some don't, because they don't have to. So the consumer gets thier product only to find out it's running at half the rated speed and then learn their computers USB 3.1 isn't actually USB 3.1 (gen 2) it's USB 3.1 (gen 1) which means it's the exact same thing as USB 3.0, and their new external SSD is never going to run fast. What a mess!



ViolaBouquet wrote:

I finally got a Nintendo switch and will most likely be traveling with it to and from school. I have a charger for my 2018 MacBook Pro that uses USB-C to USB-C. Am I able to use this to charge the switch or is there a risk of it burning out? I seem to read different things on if the USB will automatically throttle back or not.

Unless it has the voltage and amp rating I wouldn't use it. You should have the Docking power adapter or just get another one and use and charge it the right way.

toiletduck wrote:

I use my MacBook charger all the time. I don't often play while charging though.

Good choice never use unverified or certified charger for something it wasn't suppose to charge.



@SwitchForce yeah I know! Living life on the edge right? I promise I won't complain here if I get screwed 😛


Switch Friend Code: SW-2231-9448-5129


I use a power brick pretty often, but it's one where you plug in USB-A into the brick and whatever into your device. I use the USB-A to USB-C cables that came with the pro-controllers and joycon grips. Works very well.

The main issue I have heard of with the Switch usually stems from the so-called "fast charge" devices bricking systems.

Nintendo Switch FC: 4867-2891-2493
Switch username: Em
Discord: Heavyarms55#1475
Pokemon Go FC: 3838 2595 7596
PSN: Heavyarms55zx


@Heavyarms55 yeah I think so too. I remember an article on either this or another well respected Nintendo site where they extensively tested alternative power sources. The MacBook adapter came out perfectly. Never fully waterproof of course, but enough for me not to worry. Before I read that I had bought another alternative power supply, but I threw that one out since it seemed garbage according to the test.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2231-9448-5129


@toiletduck Oh forget waterproof, even if a device is rated as perfectly waterproof, I don't trust it.

Nintendo Switch FC: 4867-2891-2493
Switch username: Em
Discord: Heavyarms55#1475
Pokemon Go FC: 3838 2595 7596
PSN: Heavyarms55zx

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