
Topic: The Nintendo Switch Online Subscription Service Thread

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Maximum Velocity is a pretty logical choice for the next GBA game in my opinion: interest in F-Zero has been reinvigorated thanks to 99's release and putting out a classic styled entry (i.e. one based off of the original SNES game) also seems like a good idea given how 99's entire aesthetic is modeled after that original game. Plus, if we're being honest here, I highly doubt many people will care about MV's release if it comes out after Golden Sun (arguably the most anticipated of the GBA NSO titles) so chucking right at the end of the year seems like a solid enough plan.

I've been on a major F-Zero kick lately myself thanks to 99 (so much so that I even replayed the original on SNES NSO about 2 weeks back) so I'd personally love to see Maximum Velocity come over next, even if it's just to try out an odd entry in the grand scheme of the series for historical purposes. Does make you wonder if they'll try and bring over the other GBA games in GP Legend and ESPECIALLY Climax though 🤔

Edited on by Fizza

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I'd like to give Maximum Velocity another shot. I played it exactly once as part of the 3DS ambassador program, and then never again and I don't remember anything about it except it was F-Zero again but now without memorable music.

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All I remember about Maximum Velocity was it essentially being the original Pokemon Gen 5 where the iconic stuff about the franchise was gone because they chose to go all in on new stuff instead. But I am willing to give it another chance (same with Pokemon Gen 5 in the outcome 2024's Pokemon game is Gen 5 remakes).


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@Grumblevolcano If there are Gen 5 remakes releasing in 2024, I have no doubt that they'll be on the OG Switch as we usually get 1-2 new games in the series on last-gen hardware even after the next-gen handheld/console launches.

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Not gonna get my expectations too high myself as it's most likely going to be F-Zero Maximum Velocity (what with stuff like F-Zero 99's current event reigniting interest once again), but I'd kill for Golden Sun as well (or if we're really lucky, something not previously announced like Wario Land 4 or Drill Dozer ).

Edited on by Fizza

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@Fizza Yeah I mean they might even go crazy like with N64 last year and throw us 3 at once!!



@Nintoz It'd be great for them to get the last two stragglers from the initial post-launch lineup (Maximum Velocity and Golden Sun) out of the way before a February Direct which could show off an entirely new batch of future releases, much like what happened in the September 2022 Direct with N64. I'm personally gunning on Mother 3 (localised and everything) being the very last NSO game before Switch 2 comes out 😅

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@Nintoz Given they released FE6 and FE7 together on the same day (7 is a prequel to 6), I'd guess whenever Golden Sun appears it'll be released with The Lost Age. For that reason and the current F-Zero 99 event ending next week, I'm leaning towards F-Zero Maximum Velocity being next. Golden Sun + The Lost Age being in the next Direct like how they handled Earthbound + Earthbound Beginnings in 2022.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@Grumblevolcano But for FE6 and FE7, both were announced as part of the GBA lineup when GBA was added to NSO. Golden Sun was included in that lineup, but not The Lost Age. So it's not exactly the same case.
I'd like to be wrong though, I want to play The Lost Age.



I've never played Golden Sun before so I'm interested in at least checking the first game out. I wonder if it's a good RPG to hop into after I finish Super Mario RPG?

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@kkslider5552000 All righty, I'll try it out when it comes to NSO. I did hear that a lot of folks like the series. Thanks!

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@Fizza I guarantee games will be cross-gen on NSO at least on consoles supported on both generations of hardware, but Gamecube, Wii, DS, 3DS, and maybe Saturn/Dreamcast might be Switch 2 exclusive. I also think we'll see Gen 1, 2, and 3 of Pokemon announced for NSO next month alongside a massive selection of N64, GB/GBC, and GBA games in a new roadmap including plenty of third party additions.

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@WiiWareWave Ok, so it's just like how Sonic 3 was made. Thanks!

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