
Topic: Your latest retro purchase

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Finally picked up one of those arcade 1up cabinets. Might get the matching stool on payday. I’ll put in happ buttons and a better joystick eventually but I always wanted to own at least one arcade cabinet (even a repro). Since I will be renting for the next five years or so I decided here was my chance. Got the street fighter yoga flame edition.

Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa!
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My most recent acquisition from the retro gaming era is Super Metroid for the SNES.



next time im going to buy old NES Ski or Die next month and going to be playing it for my Retro Duo console



I said this in another thread when I ordered the thing but it has arrived today. Got an Anbernic RG35XX+ so I've been playing it today. Not using their sketchy microSD card, loaded up my own. With my own collection of ROMs I've paid for and own in one form or another. Also Cave Story which is natively ported to it and I've brought twice on other platforms

Reason I picked it up was because I had been looking at modding my old GB stuff with IPS screens, rechargeable batteries and what not. But when I looked into it it was going to cost basically as much as one of these portable emulator devices. And these devices have no issues with GB so... easy sell...

So I've been spending most of today playing Pokemon Pinball, with a backlit screen, and rumble

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@WaveBoy I have always wanted a Top Loader NES, I just always loved the design. Closest I ever got to one is the display at my local Toys R Us. Toys R Us, now that was such awesome place. Seeing the row and rows of the NES games box art and then the plastic sleeve holding the ticket for whatever game was on the display box. Then taking it up to the pick up area. Such an experience way better then waiting for package from Amazon when you buy a game nowadays.

But yeah I always wanted the top loader NES but I too had the boxy NES.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@WaveBoy That's the set up I have for my Genny collection the Mega SG and the 8bitdo Genesis controller, then I have my Sega CD attached to it.

I always preferred the 6 button controller over the original Genny controller. Maybe it was my hands at the time when I was a kid, but the 3 button controller was too large for me, plus I hated playing games like Street Fighter 2 with it. Having to toggle between punches and kicks, ugh such a pain.

I have both the Mega SG and Super NT and those are great, the next best thing to the original consoles and a CRT TV. Sadly it's becoming harder and harder to find a CRT anymore. Even my local thrift stores don't carry them like they use to. Hence why I am opting over the FPGA clone systems for my retro gaming needs nowadays.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@WaveBoy I am rocking this TV

A 55 in my bedroom and 70 in the front room. I have the Super NT in the bedroom along with an Xbox Series S and my Switch and the front room has my PS4, Xbox Series X for now. I want to get a dock for my Switch so I can go back and forth between the bedroom and living room. I haven't decided where I am going to hook up the Mega Sg.

As for the N64 Analogue I am going to pass on it, except for a few games I wasn't a fan of the N64. Most of the games like GoldenEye, OoT, and such I can play elsewhere. Back then I was all about the Playstation.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


I just purchased a nice copy of Popeye NES I missed it the first time around. Nice copy $25 can't complain.



I caved in and ordered Resident Evil 2 for the N64. I have never finished the original Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 so it will be fun!

It is a shame that they never ported RE2 and RE3 on the DS like they did with RE1


next month i just might buy some old NES games.



@WaveBoy Yeah as nice as a CRT will be, I don't have the time or energy to track one down, then hope it works let alone make room for it in my place. As awesome as it would be a CRT is a thing of the past for me.

But yeah I got the 70 inch and 55 during Black Friday. I played mostly Switch and Xbox games on them but I do mange a game or two of Ken Griffey Jr Presents Major League Baseball on the Super NT and it looks good. I want to try something like Final Fantasy 3 or Chrono Trigger on it but to be honest I don't have the time for games like that anymore.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


Throwing my hat into the CRT discussion, what's the ideal size for a CRT?

I have a 32" Panasonic Samsung TV from 2003 in another room but I feel it might be a little too big for my current room considering how much my collection has grown and it's too heavy to move around. I want a smaller one for retro gaming, VHS and DVD players.

I'm not even sure if it still works, last time I turned it on was in 2012 I believe, when I got an HDTV and haven't plugged it in since.

Here in my area, people seem to sell them for decent prices (no more than 500 Mexican pesos, or $25), but they're as big and heavy as the one I already have.

Edited on by HammerGalladeBro

Rusty's Real Deal Baseball is now a hidden gem of the Nintendo 3DS.

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@WaveBoy Even my local thrift stores and Goodwills won't accept CRTs anymore, which is a major bummer. 5 years ago you can find them all the time there. I know what you mean too about like Craigslist. Whats sad is we are getting to the point now where the young adults now didn't even have a CRT TV growing up!!!

As for scan lines to be honest I never tried them. I have tried scan lines on other things like the TMNT Collection and a few other games and just hated it as you said it made stuff too dark. That's probably why I didn't even bother with it on my Super NT or Mega Sg.

Did you get the Analogue Pocket? Or are you even interested in it. For me it's cool but I have never been a big portable gamer. Even when I was a kid the most use my Gameboy would get is maybe a week or two during the Summer when my family and I were on vacation, either that or an hour or so a week at Grandma's house. Still I did have most the classics like Marioland 1 and 2, Donkey Kong and later on Pokémon. But yeah never much of a portable gamer.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@WaveBoy I might be wrong, but isn't there an adapter for the Mega Sg to play Game Gear games on it? I know there's one to play Master System games on it.

But yeah I hear ya with the Game Gear. A friend of mine had one (He was all about Sega) and I'd try it on the weekend when I was over at his place and compared to Gameboy, there was no comparison. Even tbe games were dubs IMO. Unlike Gameboy where each game was its own thing, yeah Marioland was inspired by SMB and Link's Awakening was clearly inspired by Zelda 3, they were their own games. It seems that Game Gear games were just sloppy Master System ports.

I wish I still had my Super Gameboy and eveny Gameboy games for that matter but it is what it is. I am at the point now where I am not buying stuff just to have anymore and that goes for gaming as well. While lot of Gameboy games are good I am not going to play them after I initially get them and they will just sit on a shelf collecting dust.

I never played Warioland 1 till it came to 3DS VC but yeah it was a great game. One of the few games I enjoyed on the Gameboy. I also liked Mega Man V for its unique story.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


Just bought a 27 turnable monitor to pair with my analogue dock and my hori stick to make a little fpga arcade paradise..

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I bought a Wii. It is my first one. I saw a listing for a Wii with the GameCube controller ports. Also it came with a classic controller which is awesome because I have NO idea how people are excited about that gimmick remote control ...

Anyway, I have also Resident Evil 3 Nemesis for the GC and a GC controller on the way

I also had to get a Wii2HDMI adapter that works like a charm

I think I will mostly use it for GC games and emulation


@NeonPizza Will be interested to hear your thoughts on the AVS, I love mine a d what's really cool is the fact that you can use original controllers on it. I am still rockin my NES controllers as well as the NES Advantage from when I was a kid!!!

As for my latest purchase, I decided to check out my local Flea Market this past weekend since the weather was great and ended up finding a copy of Sim City for the SNES for only $10!!! Couldn't pass up that deal.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@NeonPizza Right. Either that or it's filled with talk about their latest Wii purchase.

Yeah the dogbone controllers were nice but that button position mess me up as well. If I am playing the NES it's gott be the original controls for me or the NES Advantage!

I remember renting Demon's Crest one night over at a friend's sleepover. After downing tons of Jolt Cola and Dominos Noid Pizza we popped that sucker into the SNES and we were blown away by how great it looked. To this day it's still one of my favorite SNES games.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


Just bought a used Kramer VP-728 Switcher/Scaler off eBay for connecting all my non-current consoles to. 9-inputs including composite, s-video, component, VGA and even a couple of HDMI inputs means I can get rid of all those crappy scalers and converters I've got connected at the moment and just have everything going through a single box to either a HDTV or PC monitor.

Also got a replacement shell for the Dreamcast on the way to replace the rather yellowed original. Should finish off my Dreamcast nicely after replacing the noisy original fan, installing a new PSU and replacing the old battery on the controller board.

Edited on by dmcc0


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